A new Namaste.

In my farewell post for Nepal, I thought I’d bow to the adage that actions speak louder than words. And the most common action in Nepal is the lovely Namaste (described in a whole bunch of words below).

When I was visiting the amazing women in Lamatol Village, Chitwan, President Nani Maiya Lama of the Self Help Women’s Group & Cooperative cut to the heart of the matter by describing what the Heifer trainings and animals had done for her.

“I used to be so shy and afraid to talk, I couldn’t even look at someone when I’d Namaste,” Nani said.

“But now that I can read a book, sign my name and earn my own income, I’ve got a new Namaste.”

For all the beautiful women (and men) of Nepal, here’s one final Namaste.

Categories: Animals, Heifer International, Hunger, Nepal, Photography, Poverty, Travel, Women | Tags: , , , , , | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “A new Namaste.

  1. thanks for a big, big 🙂 to start the day, Betty! Namaste!

  2. Love this!!

  3. Namaste, Betty!

  4. Deb Morrow Palmer

    You not only spark ones heart and soul but you have an exquisite way of putting your photographs together always ending with the one that makes your soul soar!!

  5. Anonymous

    Lovely, Betty!

  6. Great photos, Betty. Namaste to you, my friend.

  7. Namaste!!!! Lovely!

  8. Martha Radatz

    Loved this! I forwarded it to my yoga teacher. :o)

  9. You continue to find beauty everywhere you go. What a valuable reminder for all of us that the world is filled with people such as these. Thank you, Betty.

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