Posts Tagged With: Sacapulus

Hola, amigos …Aqui estoy!

Wish you were here, too!

Guatemala is a beautiful country – incredibly mountainous, over 60% indigenous, and poor in everything but spirit.In the past three days, I’ve seen Heifer projects working to stop deforestation of the rainforest, find better ways of growing maize for these “people of the corn,” and seen the transformative power of animals in a community.

But since I’m working like a true Heifer person (or like the campesinos they work for), I’m on the road at 7 am and not back until about 10 p.m., and I haven’t had time to stop and write.Today I’m going to the countryside outside Huehuetenango, and spending the night with a family in a seed bank project… yippee!I’ll be writing my stories this weekend in the lake area of Atitlan.  Until then, here’s a small photographic taste of Guatemala.¡Buen apetito!

Categories: Guatemala, Heifer International, Photography, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

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